Mahesh debuting in Bollywood in Shankar direction?

Mahesh debuting in Bollywood in Shankar direction?

Gossipmongers are a buzz that Mahesh Babu may debut in Bollywood soon. There is also buzz that Mahesh will debut in B-Town with the film, teaming up with ace filmmaker Shankar.
As way2movies earlier reported viewers, after his first remake venture Nanban [Snehithudu], Shankar is busy penning the script for his next and the movie has now kick-started. Vikram and Amy Jackson are playing the lead roles in this movie titled ‘I’, which is expected to be filmed on Elections.
There is abuzz in the Kollywood tinsel town that, Shankar and Mahesh had a formal meeting in Chennai recently and Mahesh Babu is likely to play the lead role in the Hindi version of I, which was earlier denied by Hrithik Roshan due to call-sheet issues.
If things fall in the right place Mahesh Babu’s Bollywood debut will be directed by Kollywood’s top filmmaker Shankar…